Tuesday, 7 July 2009

But above all else use TAG!

Want People To Look At Your Ad? Run It On TV, Not Online

Online ads are often targeted, but that doesn’t mean that people necessarily pay attention. A survey by AdWeek and Harris Interactive (via SearchEngineLand) shows that people are much more likely to ignore internet ads (both banner ads and search ads) than TV ads, radio ads, or newspaper ads. Internet ads also don’t get high marks for helpfulness. So what’s the bottom line, according to the survey’s authors? “While advertisers scramble to create their ad campaigns, one thing they need to remember is that, even if viewership may be down and even with the increased use of digital video recorders so people can fast forward through commercials, television ads are the most helpful to consumers. Also, while an Internet strategy is essential for a comprehensive ad campaign, Internet banner ads are not considered helpful by few and are ignored the most.”

What Ads Do People Ignore?

—46% Internet banner ads
—17% Internet search engine ads
—13% Television ads
—9% Radio ads
—6% Newspaper Ads

What Ads Are Most Helpful?

—37% TV ads
—17% Newspaper ads
—14% Internet search ads
—3% Radio ads
—1% Internet banner ads

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